Wednesday 1 May 2013

OUGD406 - Speaking From Experience (3)

Stock Choices
Once I had completed the five sections, I started to look into what stock to use. I found a burgundy coloured stock which went perfectly with the colour scheme, so decided upon that for the section pages & front/back covers.
Stock Choices
The issue came when trying to choose a stock for the body pages of the book. I had found four which I particularly liked and they all seemed to work against the burgundy. I printed the same page out on the four stock choices to see which one looked the best.
My initial thought was that I definitely will not be using the Grey Marl paper (2) as the red makes the stock seem a green coloured and it just doesn't work well at all.
To solve this problem, I took these along to the final crit to ask for feedback.

Final Crit 26.4.13

Chosen stock
The chosen stock is Bulky newsprint as the images look the best quality and the stock is smooth and not too thick or thin.

Point size
The other thing mentioned at the crit was the point size of the text on the definition page, which is printed on the coloured stock. I did it at the same size as the main body text of the book for continuity, but as the coloured stock is quite dark, it makes it hard to read it.
I repeated the same definition five times over in five different point sizes, on the coloured stock, to see which ones were readable. They were initially at 8pt. I tried them at 8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt & 15pt. 
I thought maybe the 15pt was too large, given the small size of the text on the opposite page, so decided upon 14pt.
Definition page corrected

Notable Designers
During the crit, I asked people to tell me designers they most commonly use/take influence from. Many of there were ones I had already included in the book, but there were a few I had not.
One thing I was concerned about while creating the publication was that there are designers who don't necessarily fit into the five groups of design, as they do a variety of different things and are more notable for their work in typography or layout, or something that's not specifically in those five areas.
After speaking in the crit, I decided to add another section to the publication, a list of 10 designers who should be recognised.

Once again I wanted a mixture of old & contemporary designers. I had a list of twenty to begin with but brought that down to eleven.
  • Neville Brody
  • Paul Rand
  • Jarrik Muller
  • Saul Bass
  • Craig Ward
  • Dan Cassaro
  • Sagmeister & Walsh
  • Alan Kitching
  • Josef Muller Brockmann
  • Massimo Vignelli
  • Si Scott

Surrounding Pages
After completing all sections of the publication, I began work on the surrounding pages.
  • Front page note
  • Contents
  • Blogs
  • Index

Front page note - I didn't want the publication to go straight from the front page to the contents so was going to have a blank page between, however I found that when it was printed it didn't look right, so added just a short note into what exactly the book was.
Contents - Staying in the same format as the whole book, I just split it down into the seven sections of the book.
Blogs - I collected a number of blogs, and after going through them all, I decided upon three for each section, and five for general design as these ones lead to more specified blogs and would be helpful for first years.
I added an index to the back, in alphabetical order. Its just an added extra so it makes it even easier to find a specific designer instead of going through all the sections. A couple of designers are also repeated, so this gives the exact page numbers of where they appear.

PDF Book

Final Images

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