Thursday 15 November 2012

OUGD403 - Printing Workshop

I have taken part in three printing workshops, two at the Rossington Street studio, and one at Blenheim Walk. 
The first at Rossington was an introduction to the different types and ways of printing, including etching, lino, screen and mono printing. The second at Rossington involved us actually doing some printing ourselves. There were three ways set out for us, mono, lino and wood-press.
I took a letter form that I had done for the 'Shatter' brief so it gave me something to use.

I was most interested in lino printing as it is something I've never done before, so I started with that, cutting out the area around the letter so that it would not be printed. This process took quite a while as it was a shape that was quite hard to cut out as it had a lot of corners.

I then moved onto wood-press, which involved inking up some wood blocks, putting them on the piece of paper and applying pressure. Although I found this interesting and easy to use, I preferred the lino printing as it was my image and my work. The work done on the wood-press can easily be done by anyone else.

In the print studio in Blenheim Walk we were introduced to screen printing for fabric and paper, and the process to create a screen and clean a screen. I have done screen printing before so it was nothing new to me, however the tables used to keep everything in place were completely new to me, so I found that bit quite interesting. At the end we had a go each with a pre-prepared screen.

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