Friday 9 May 2014

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1: An Introduction To Air Jordan (9)

Today I had a print slot so decided to print out my front cover for this publication as I had already printed out the content pages and bound them together.

Bound Book:

I had initially wanted to laser cut the front, however due to it being fully booked and a waiting list, this is now not possible, so that's a shame and I'm annoyed at myself for it. However I don't think that it being printed will necessarily take away from the book. There are also a couple of issues inside the book because of where the pages are bound together.

I also noticed an error in my packaging as I put it together today. For some reason, the 'A' is missing from the front of it, which is frustrating to say the least, however, as I have a print slot next week, I will be able to print it out. It is also a bit too big for the book, so I will need to resize it a bit.

Another issue is that I don't think the red 'card' is strong enough to be classed as card or strong enough to be the packaging. I think that I will need to reinforce it if I want to have any hope of it being sturdy enough, otherwise it's not really worth having.

On top of this I have been thinking about the context behind the packaging and how it really applies to the content. My initial idea was that Air Jordan is about luxury, quality and looking great, so the packaging should be created to mirror this. While I think it does do this, the content is shoes, and I have to think about how the packaging relates to this subject. At the minute, it doesn't really, only to the Air Jordan sort of ethos, so I'm not sure whether I should redo it.

Once again, thinking about this luxury branding idea, does my stock really represent this too? I don't know whether to print it all onto a more luxurious, thick stock, rather than have it like it is now.

All of this is something I have to think about now.

Having these problems now is something I'm glad of instead of them happening much closer to the deadline for the module. While I don't want to spend a huge amount more of time on this brief as I have done a lot wen the brief was set, I don't want to just leave it and be unhappy with the final result.

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