Friday 14 March 2014

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 1: Competition Brief 9: Object Marketing

I looked over all the responses I had done for small competition/live briefs and found that I didn't have any kind of work in web design or a full branding project.

I managed to find both of these in one brief. The re-branding of Object Marketing.
What is being asked for is a new logo design and the potential to take this forward into a website that reflects a new revamped image of the company. 

The first thing I did was look at their current logo and website:
My initial thoughts are that this website is completely outdated and isn't reflective of a contemporary and good marketing company. For a marketing company, they market themselves terribly. The logo design is also poor as there is no concept behind it really.

I wanted to create a brand image that was concept driven and had a meaning to it. The first thing I did was think about what related to marketing and what could be designed as an icon or some kind of representation of the company and their ethos.

I decided on the idea of a target. Marketing is essentially what companies use to target their audience and meet their company targets in terms of sales and revenue, so hitting the targets correctly with marketing is important.

I started by designing a very minimal style target board and trying a few variations of the colour.
I think the one all in red works because it is more fluid than using two colours. It is a much stronger image so I will be using this one.

I then moved onto the type. They wanted a contemporary update for the logo so I decided on just using one colour, which could be changed to suit any colour.
For a contemporary look I decided on using a sans serif typeface. I went through a fair few in different weights and decided on using Avenir Next in two different weights; bold & regular. 
I then combined the two.

Logo design:

I then moved onto designing the landing page to their website. I wanted the website to reflect the logo and new contemporary look so kept it very simple and incorporated the logo icon as an 'enter' button.

For the website I didn't want to use white, I wanted a slightly off white.

Colour scheme:

After superimposing it onto a mac screen I submitted these to the competition.
After doing this I decided on developing the idea of the website and worked on the potential layout of the content pages.

Their existing website is definitely in need of a revamp so I redesigned the layout. I am going with the idea of a fixed menu bar down the left hand side and the content on the right that moves up and down, the headings in the menu going bold when you are on that specific part of the website.

I decided on making the content pages as flipping the colours chosen around, so this is the boldest part on the page.

Home page:
First content page 'Who we are':
I then withdrew my previous submission and submitted a new file of the logo and three images of the website design.
Something I considered is the way that the colour can easily change through the branding being so simple. I did a few colour variations to show how this could potentially look on the website.
As an extension of this I looked into the possible printed branding and how this could spread across the printed media in terms of how the branding changes for suiting the format.
 I think this works much better than the web-based elements and strengthens the brand, as well as giving a wide variety of how this branding can be used, from just using the target to having it at a larger size with the text.

Overall I am pleased with the outcomes I have produced for this brief. I have gone past the requirements and made an effort to develop the branding I have designed instead of just creating a logo.

Although I didn't win the competition I am happy with the work I have produced and I have enjoyed this brief as it had a bit more to it than some of the previous ones.

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