Monday 17 March 2014

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 1: An Introduction To Air Jordan (8)

After a few days of reflection on the way this book was going, I decided that I needed to make a much more slick design in terms of how the book flows. While the content pages are good as they are, I don't like the way the sections are divided up. While I initially thought the dividers were a good idea, I now think that they aren't brilliant and seem a bit cut and paste. I also wanted to make the colours flow better in terms of the overall identity of this book.

The first thing I did was look over the printed mock-up I had. At this point I decided that while I had done the images to be quite light on the page, they did look a bit too light and now I have the darker text they could be more colourful images. With this in mind I changed the opacity to each of them so they were all more striking on the pages.
I then moved onto the front cover of the book. In staying with the branding of Air Jordan, I am only having the Jumpman on the front cover without any text, so this means that I need to add a title page into the booklet.

This is what I want to use to incorporate all three of the colours. After some experimentation I decided on the following design:
It is a lot more visually creative than the original title page I had and incorporates all three colours well. I also tried out the text effect and think it works very well so will use this for the sections titles throughout.

 Something I wanted to do was make the images on the section pages a bit more interesting. While I liked them in just the colour, I wanted to do something that would make them stand out and something I could develop and take forward in the next part of the brief.

I tried out a few ideas and found that the following worked the best:
 I also wanted to incorporate the hatching I had done on the title page. I initially tried it with just two lines above and below the heading.
I thought it worked ok but did seem a little random and not necessary. With this in mind I tried to make it have more of a place on the page and made it so it was part of the heading.
I like this because it makes the heading stand out that little bit more and makes the eye go straight to it.

I applied this to all three sections pages:
 After doing this I printed out and bound a to-size mock up for the crit tomorrow. I decided for the reason of just being a mock-up I'd just keep the front cover as the black card, and I didn't have any red card left over to use for the Jumpman.
 I also added in a plain sheet of paper around the content for the front cover to be stuck to along the left hand edge of the page, so none of the content will be ruined.
 Although the pictures don't show it that well, I also managed to fix the issue with the text I had last time where it cut off some of the letters in the middle of the spread.
Overall I do think the mockup works well and I will have to get some feedback in the crit to know where to take it next, if anywhere. I am happy with how it is at the minute but I know there will be a few tweaks that need doing. Something I am a little wary of is the fact that it is no longer 16 pages. There are 16 pages of content, but there are added pages between, so this is something that I do need to query in the crit.

I then moved onto the packaging. I haven't done anything with this since the last crit and have had a lot of time to think about it. I decided on designing a new idea which incorporates the feedback given in that crit.

I made a quick digital mockup of how this will look:
 I then printed and made this mock up to around 75% size the actual size:
As a first attempt I think that it works well. It still needs work to refine it completely, but at the minute I am very happy with how it works.

At this point I am pleased with how this book has progressed. I am glad I didn't just leave it all in red and developed the overall design of the book and packaging further. I now feel it is a more realised solution and I am confident with moving forward into the next studio brief and continuing to work with this subject.

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