Monday, 17 February 2014

OUGD503 - Studio Brief 2: Oasis (2)

After Daisy agreed that the type work I had done was good and worked well, I created all nine messages in the same document. This will give them a consistency so when we are applying them to the same sized medias they will all be the same point size.
After doing this I started to experiment with the first message, trying out a few different effects for the background. While doing this I was sending these to Daisy and she was putting her image on. This made it easy for us to see how each background worked in terms of the colours in both the text and image.
After initially starting with the blue background and white text, we found that it was quite hard to get the text and image both at a point where they were as legible as possible. This is because the text works better on a darker background, whereas the image works better on a lighter one, making it quite hard for us to find a balance between the two.
We decided on trying different colour combinations within the colour scheme we had decided, starting with the blue and pink.
This was also a point where I started different layering effects to see if I could get some kind of balance between the light and dark so both the text and image could be seen well.
This first one is an interesting background, however in this colour the text is quite hard to read, especially over the lighter areas.
I tried a few attempts at making a darker background which might be suitable for both the text and the image.
However when Daisy put the image on each of these we both agreed that it wasn't working well at all, mainly because the pink is such a bold colour and the blue washes out quite a bit in it.

We then decided to turn it round, putting pink text on a blue background.
Instantly we agreed this was much more visible and a lot bolder and better to look at, where the text is clear and hopefully the image would be too.
While Daisy took this image and placed her image on to see how it would look, I tried a few different layering effects to see if I could find anything that looked more visually interesting or would potentially work better with the image.
I changed the effects so it became a much lighter background, but made it clearer to see all the edges and there was a wider range of tones in there too. When the image was placed over the top it worked quite well.
Before settling on this being the idea to go with, I tried using white text again like we had originally intended to. I tried it over a few variated layered effects.
I then tried black to see if this was any clearer.
Both Daisy and I agreed that the black made it too bulky and either white or the pink made it a lot more playful as black isn't necessarily a feminine colour. We decided that the pink gave it a much more contemporary feel and was more interesting than the white to look at.
This is the kind of general idea that we decided on at this point.

When we revisited it a few days later in preparation for the next session & crit, we looked back over everything we had done, and now with a couple more illustrations that Daisy had done, decided that the designs with white were a bit too white and we wanted there to be more colour.
From this we designed two variations of what we could do from this point. They are both identical apart from the second has a blue layer over the top to get rid of the white areas and lower the brightness of the bluer areas.
We decided on the second one was it makes the image a little bit clearer.

After we decided this we created three variations which had all the text and image for them. At this point we have decided to keep them all in blue with the pink text, deciding that feedback for the crit was needed before taking it further and experimenting with the potential of using green.
At this point we have decided that we do like the green colour and would like to use it in the designs, potentially variating the three colours for each of the messages. We have also decided that we will not be including the red at all because our previous attempts to use it were unsuccessful, and these three colours work well together.

In preparation for the crit I took our joint effort work and created three very simple boards.

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